Jarad & Jewelene's place for publishing I'm a Mormon.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008


Welcome to Virginia Beach!
I love watermelon now!
I got my first pair of shoes today, August 15th.
I love to walk with Mommy!

I got my first high chair, sippy cup and sunglasses.

Okay, so I have some things to learn, like how to use this sippy cup....

I just want to say, "I love you all! Have a great day!"


The Burnah Clan said...

wow, he's looking more and more like a toddler! so cute!

Marsh and Wanda Gurr said...

It may have taken a long time to put this on, but oh, it's so worth it!!!

Cai has even changed more in the month since you've been gone. It's a good thing we don't age quite as fast as babies change.

Love ya tons! Mom

Sister Gurr said...

I love that picture of the empty watermelon. Cai looks so happy and healthy! Thanks for doing the blog so we can see him grow.

Sister Gurr said...

I am glad you take time to blog. I love seeing Cai grow. I love those watermelon pics. Be in touch!

Anonymous said...

These are GREAT pictures! He is getting so big! The sun glasses are super cute.

Alicia W said...

These pictures are SO cute! I miss you guys a ton! And we will get together the next time you're in the valley.


Heather Sypher said...

Oh my goodness! Cai is getting so big! I can't believe he can eat watermelon! I miss you guys!