Jarad & Jewelene's place for publishing I'm a Mormon.

Friday, November 28, 2008

Getting ready for Two Thanksgivings and A Christmas!

On Friday, the 21st, Tucker and Katie came for our family Thanksgiving. We love family! I took this picture of Cai as he was helping me clean up for their coming. Wow, I really piled it on. He loves to hear the car noises as I push him around. I am just so thankful for being a mother, taking care of Cai. He's the greatest gift. He laughs so much. But, I think he makes us laugh more than we make him laugh. He's got his top tooth coming in and he learned how to crawl after seeing Bailey walk. My camera...hmmmm....where is it? Maybe a cute pilot hefted it after we visited him in Richmond for Thanksgiving. O'well, I'll post some fun pictures later--Happy Thanksgiving to all! Our little tree is about the only thing we have in our living room.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Maymont Park- Richmond

Maymont~Italian Gardens and Children's Farm. November 13, 2008

From 1893 to 1925 Maymont was the home of the railroad tycoon James and Sallie Dooley. It's been preserved as a historic landmark with more than 100 acres. There's even a nature center, outdoor wildlife exhibits (bears and bird of prey were our favorites). It's open year round, so we'll be exploring there again on Thanksgiving!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Thankful for Fall

We're so thankful for Fall

for long walks and picnics in the park...

and Sunday drives in the countryside.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Thankful to Vote

Cai, Jarad and I went down to vote in this historic election. We're so glad we enjoy that priviledge and exercise our rights.

We're thankful for America! We're grateful for our freedom, liberty and this beautiful land God has given us!

We kept our little sticker for such a memorable Election year.

Happy First Halloween!

We carved a Cai pumpkin. See it's front two teeth on the bottom--that's Cai!
HAAPPY HALLOWEEN! We stayed home to pass out candy--only one trick or treater came! It was Daddy! Dressed up as a pilot! (Actually he just got off work!)

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


On the day before we left Marshelle's, she took all of us to the Omaha Zoo. It is amazing! It's the best I've been to. There is a Desert Dome, complete with animals and fauna from a wide variety of deserts across the world. I loved going in there to warm up, it's cold in Nebraska. The place looks like the Bio-sphere. The most amazing exhibit is "Creatures of the Night"--crocs, beavers, alligators. Here were my two other favorite exhibits:

Jarad and Cai.

Shark attack--Aquarium had a glass tunnell, the fish were flying over us!


Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Fontenelle Forest Omaha, NB

Adventuring down where Lewis and Clark explored along the Missouri River.

Marshelle and Hyrum

Fall, my favorite time of year. When the wind blew, Matt yelled out, "Catch a leaf! Catch a leaf!" It was so fun. I don't know why, but I'd never tried to do that before. Ya gotta have skill. Manning caught one. He looked up at me, holding his leaf proudly, and said, "See. It's easy."


You can't get any better than the 2007 Halloween Eve story. Marshelle accidentally got locked, with the boys, in her bedroom for hours. They broke out the food storage, starting munching on that while Matt (who wasn't there), was chowing on a really nice meal.

Creating Millett Memories

My nephew, Manning, is so fun! He's hilarious. My favorite was playing Hide n Seek with him. (Cause he always hid in the same spot)!

Cai loves people... and hiking. He was all geared up to visit Fontenelle Forest. It's so fun to see him interact with his cousins.

As soon as Marshelle picked us up from the airport, she took us out to the Children's Museum! What a blast! Cai loved playing there. Even though he couldn't keep up with Manning and Hyrum, he just watched and walked around (with me holding his fingers for balance-he's still wobbly). HYRUM

Little Evan and Marshelle.